Measurement of the6Li charge state distributions following the6He+beta decay

C Couratin, G Ban, A Chapon, P Delahaye, D Durand, X Fléchard, B Guillon, A Le-redde, E Liénard, F Mauger, A Méry, O Naviliat-Cuncic (+7 others)
2012 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Synopsis We measure the probability of "shake-off" ionization of the daughter nucleus in the β decay of 6 He + ions confined in a transparent Paul trap. This measurement, in good agreement with theoretical calculations, allows to reduce systematic error contributions in previous β−ν correlation experiments dedicated to the search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/388/15/152013 fatcat:jgc7t3zhlfh4vecnaaca5cezj4