Modern Approaches to Classification of Legal Persons (to the 90th Anniversary of V.E. Chirkin)
Современные подходы к классификации юридических лиц (к 90-летнему юбилею В.Е. Чиркина)

Taliya Habrieva
2014 Journal of Russian Law  
Along with the existing in legislation of Russia division of legal persons into commercial and noncommerсial, which is based on economic criteria, the article substantiates the classification of legal persons according to legal basis into persons of private and public law; it singles out legal entities of transitional forms and defines juridic features inherent to them. Developing the existing provisions of Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the author proposes a revised
more » ... eral definition of a legal person and the definition of a legal person of public law. Keywords: organisation, formation, legal person, legal person of private law, legal person of public law, public (solal) role of legal persons of private law, legal persons of public law in civil legal relations.
doi:10.12737/5770 fatcat:wbbgbqn7arhxbcxmuj6nr2slfi