Nonlinear dynamic model and vibration response of faulty outer and inner race rolling element bearings

Peiming Shi, Xiao Su, Dongying Han
2016 Journal of Vibroengineering  
By considering the deep groove ball bearing as the research object, and using Hertzian contact theory and elastic mechanics and geometry, a nonlinear dynamic model is established herein for the study of vibration response of deep groove ball bearings having single defect on surfaces of inner and outer races. The outer race and inner race defect size parameters are introduced into this nonlinear dynamic model, and dynamic models of localized fault on outer race, inner race of rolling element
more » ... ing are simulated and analyzed by using Runge-Kutta method. Both simulated and experimental localized fault signals (acceleration signals) are subjected to the same diagnostic techniques; namely time domain waveform comparisons and envelope analysis. Then, the impact characteristic that reflects the fault severity in rolling element bearings is obtained from the time interval between two impact points. The simulating results are in accordance with experimental results, which proves the accuracy and practicality of the models used in engineering application. The characteristic defect frequencies and related harmonics are broadly investigated and presented herein. This proposed model provides theoretical basis for monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling bears.
doi:10.21595/jve.2016.16944 fatcat:nnbh6x6hbjbk5gl32bt5qlikmm