Product Experience Wall: A Context-adaptive Outfit Recommender System

Christian Zagel
2014 Mensch & Computer  
This paper presents research in progress and describes the concept and prototype of the so called "Product Experience Wall", an interactive and context-adaptive outfit recommendation system for retail fashion stores. The goal is to design an experiential system that serves both, functional and hedonic needs. Context adaption allows pro-actively approaching the user and recommending products based on the respective user context. Next to face detection algorithms, we use RFID sensors and
more » ... s to external data sources (e.g., weather information) to create a unique customer experience. This experience is furthermore supported by displaying product combinations on virtual, life-size avatars. The core functionality of the concept is based on the findings of qualitative interviews performed amongst 6 experts and 80 customers.
dblp:conf/mc/Zagel14a fatcat:6y3xer4ayfbkdij72mmlodparm