The Main Course Was Mealworms: The Epistemics of Art and Science in Public Engagement

Bronwyn Bevan, Sam Mejias, Mark Rosin, Jen Wong
2020 Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology  
In this paper we share an emerging analytical approach to designing and studying STEAM programs that focuses on how programs integrate the respective epistemic practices—the ways in which knowledge is constructed—of science and art. We share the rationale for moving beyond surface features of STEAM programs (e.g., putting textiles and electronics on the same table) to the disciplinary-specific ways in which participants are engaged in creative inquiry and production. We share a brief example
more » ... m a public STEAM event to demonstrate the ways in which this approach can foster reflection and intentionality in the design and implementation of STEAM programs.
doi:10.1162/leon_a_01835 fatcat:gyxqmztq5rhy3bwq75jefhfgja