Topological interface states mediated by spontaneous symmetry breaking

Roman S. Savelev, Maxim A. Gorlach, Alexander N. Poddubny
2018 Physical review B  
We propose a one-dimensional nonlinear system of coupled anharmonic oscillators that dynamically undergoes a topological transition switching from the disordered and topologically trivial phase into the nontrivial one due to the spontaneous symmetry breaking. The topological transition is accompanied by the formation of the topological interface state in the spectrum of linearized excitations of the stationary phase. Our findings thus highlight the potential of the nonlinear systems for hosting
more » ... the topological phases and uncover a fundamental link between the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism and topological edge states.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.98.045415 fatcat:lwqo7yflxnaqvbfjo3rrowahne