The Impact of NPD (New Product Development) Process Planning Proficiencies on NPD Performance
신제품 개발 프로세스에 대한 기획 역량이 신제품 개발성과에 미치는 영향

Jung-Yoon Kim, Ju-Hee Hahn
2009 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
The aim of the study is to look at the impact of 'NPD process planning proficiency' on NPD performance. In particular, the current study examines this effect at firm's level (NPD program), rather than at the level of individual project. This study investigate the impact of process planning proficiency considering other NPD proficiencies (i.e. marketing and technical proficiency). In addition to the main effect of process planning proficiency, the current study investigates the interaction
more » ... between process planning proficiency and marketing proficiency (or technical proficiency). Based on a cross-industry sample of 103 Korean manufacturers, this study examines the impact of NPD process planning proficiency on product family performance. The current study focuses on platform projects which play a critical role on product family's successes. NPD process planning proficiency has significant impact on both NPD technical and commercial performance. Technical proficiency is not directly associated with NPD performance. However, this study finds the interaction effects of technical proficiency with process planning proficiency on NPD performance.
doi:10.5762/kais.2009.10.9.2440 fatcat:rt66pxczhnh2pkokj6zu3q6jnq