Investigation of new approaches to the preparation of elongated drug-loaded nanocapsules

A lot of medicines may cause serious side effects when taken directly into the body. One of the main causes of side effects is that they are free to reach healthy site of the body instead of the diseased site. Therefore, in this project, a new type of polymer, was investigated to wrap around the drug so that it is only released at the desired diseased site. Polymer is a type of long chain substance with modifiable properties. Another property of this type of polymer is that it is inelastic,
more » ... h means the polymer was able to retain the shape upon its formation. In this project, a layer of eatable polymer was grown successfully on the surface of a template to provide protection to the drug as a novel drug delivery vehicle to achieve selective delivery.
doi:10.26180/20366856.v1 fatcat:kfrh5lyvgbdfjb564cuyyjfaji