What Works in Appraisal Meetings for Newly Graduated Doctors? – and What doesn't ? [post]

Marianne Kleis Møller, Anita Sørensen, Pernille Andreassen, Bente Malling
2021 unpublished
Background: In Denmark, an educational advisor is assigned to all doctors in each clinical rotation of postgraduate medical education. The advisor conducts at least three appraisal meetings with the trainee to guide and oversee his/her work and learning progress.This study explores why trainees evaluated the advisory program as either beneficial (successes) or not beneficial (non-successes). Methods: Inspired by the Success Case Method, a survey was conducted among all 129 doctors employed in
more » ... eir first six-month clinical rotation of postgraduate medical education in the Central Denmark Region. A cluster analysis resulted in groups with eight successes and seven non-successes. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six successes and five non-successes. Results: In contrast to non-successes, the successes had longer appraisal meetings and their advisor introduced them to purpose and process of meetings including use of the personal learning plan. Successes received feedback on clinical skills, overall global performance and career plans. The successes perceived their advisors as prepared, skilled and motivated and the advisor acted as a contact person.To the successes, the appraisal meetings fostered clarification of and reflections on educational goals, progress and career as well as self-confidence and a sense of security. Conclusion: Success with appraisal meetings seemed to depend on advisor's skills and motivation including willingness to prioritize time for this task. The results from this study indicate the importance of faculty development. It also raises the question if all doctors should serve as advisors or if this task should be assigned to the most motivated candidates.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-518444/v1 fatcat:wwyybs57ezcbvakjlpeo4xi22u