MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2010

Sergio Penkale, Rejwanul Haque, Sandipan Dandapat, Pratyush Banerjee, Ankit K. Srivastava, Jinhua Du, Pavel Pecina, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Mikel L. Forcada, Andy Way
2010 Conference on Machine Translation  
This paper describes the DCU machine translation system in the evaluation campaign of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and Metrics in ACL-2010. We describe the modular design of our multi-engine machine translation (MT) system with particular focus on the components used in this participation. We participated in the English-Spanish and English-Czech translation tasks, in which we employed our multiengine architecture to translate. We also participated in the system
more » ... bination task which was carried out by the MBR decoder and confusion network decoder.
dblp:conf/wmt/PenkaleHDBSDPNF10 fatcat:uxxjd4th3vhudefuqh5vqi6qhq