Effects of Plyometric Training on Technical Skill Performance of Handball Team Players at Debre Markos Town

Wubliker Tibebu Guadie
2021 International Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education  
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of twelve weeks plyometric training on technical skill performance of handball players in Debre Markos handball team players. The total subject for the study were twenty-two (n =22) male handball trainees of Debre Markos handball team players in 2019/2020. The study populations were little; all were taken as a sample by using comprehensive sampling technique. Through randomization method trainees segregated in to two groups, an experimental group
more » ... (n=11) and a control group (n=11). The experimental group (EG) performed a twelve-week plyometric exercise, 3-days per week for a total of 60 minutes per day and the control group (CG) did not perform any plyometric exercise that designed for this study. To achieve the objective of this study, quantitative research approach and True experimental research design was utilized. The data was collected through field technical skill test of study participants and this data were analyzed by using Paired sample ttest and Independent sample t-test statistical tools. Based on the data analyzed, the pre-posttest performance of EG were significantly improved in shooting accuracy and speed dribbling dependent variables (SA, P=0.000, SD, P= 0.002, p<0.05), but passing accuracy was not improved at the level of significance (P= 0.457, p>0.05); similarly, the independent t-test shows the posttest performance of shooting accuracy and speed dribbling of EG where significantly more improved than posttest CG group tests (SA, P= 0.011, SD, P= 0.007, p<0.05), but not in passing accuracy (P= 0.623, p>0.05). The results of this study show that plyometric training improves shooting accuracy and speed dribbling of handball team player's technical skill performance, whereas plyometric training has not improved passing accuracy technical skill performance of handball team players. Based on the result and conclusion of the study recommendation will be forwarded for the concerned bodies.
doi:10.11648/j.ijsspe.20210603.11 fatcat:2pcif26uzvb6zbii53soshtb4i