Emilia Madudova
2017 Ekonomicko-manažérske spektrum / Economic and Managerial Spectrum  
The legislative environment governing advertising agencies is of great importance to the development of the advertising agency sector as a part of creative industry. The legislation implies both opportunities and threats to their line of business. This sector is specific by the necessity of creative potential. This is associated with barriers to entry the market and acting in this sector as well. Cultural and creative enterprises are not only innovative themselves in an above average way, they
more » ... lso trigger innovations in other sectors due to their marked tendency to cooperate with others. Creativity is a vital asset for innovation because innovation essentially involves the successful application of creative ideas. The paper describes the largest problems of advertising agencies operating in the Slovak Republic. Describes initiatives promoting the sector and defines the specificity of the sector as well. Paper also presents the research results connected to supportive environment, which advertising agencies currently surrounds. Finally, the manuscript describes proposals to improve the current state in the area of the advertising agencies connected to business support of the advertising agencies in the Slovak Republic and mainly the importance of supporting these business activities in this creative industry. As findings shown, legislation and policy makers should rebalance the current state of support in the creative industries and try to transfer the value that favors intermediaries, mainly advertising industry in order to sustain the economy of cultural industries. Creative talent is a very valueadded component of the creative industries. The creative community is the engine of innovation and can be defined as the important element for further sustainable development. Creative industries need supportive legal frameworks that protect the rights of creators and secure fair consideration, to boost economic growth and job creation at national level.
doi:10.26552/ems.2017.1.37-47 fatcat:4b6rjpa425e6vkfshidbmpsz5q