Editorial: Advances in the fundamental understanding and prospects for practical applications of high-entropy materials

L. J. Santodonato, E-Wen Huang, Andreas Kulovits, Peter K. Liaw
2022 Frontiers in Materials  
The present Research Topic features innovative experimental and computational techniques to address key aspects of high-entropy materials research and development. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve as Guest Editors for this timely Research Topic, and we thank the contributors to this topic who have reported impactful and interesting results, worthy of the Frontiers in Materials journal. Local atomic order is of great interest to the high-entropy materials community. The contribution
more » ... y Greenhalgh et al. includes a newly developed way of visualizing and identifying ordering in atomic data sets using their proposed Fractional Cumulative Radial Distribution Function (FCRDF). The authors validate the FCRDF using synthetic data, then apply it to experimental data, including an atom probe tomography study of the multiphase Al 1.3 CoCrCuFeNi alloy. Their technique captures elemental aggregation at the nanoscale in this complex alloy and gives a new path for identifying atomic ordering at the nearest neighbor level. The high-entropy materials design paradigm of using multiple elements in nearequimolar ratios pushes researchers explore vast regions of compositional phase space, creating a great need to develop high-throughput synthesis and experimental validation techniques. The review article by Sreeramagiri et al. evaluates high-throughput and combinatorial synthesis using additive manufacturing (AM). Particularly promising is directed energy deposition (DED) based AM because it allows compositional variations
doi:10.3389/fmats.2022.986097 fatcat:wlj2ydmm55cqnirqohud7bmg5q