Parodi ve Kültürel Bellek Bağlamında Reklam İmgeleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

2021 İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi  
In the postmodern era, in many studies, it is seen that the images taking place in cultural memory and public's memory are not assessed very much in the study of visual communication design and its substudies. However, for an efficient usage of parody, the point visual communication intersects with intersemioticism and humor, it is reckoned that the usage of cultural images and social images in advertising designs is important. Especially, utilizing images of cultural memory and social memory
more » ... a humorous way like parody, may improve the ability to communicate positively. The purpose of this study is to discover forms related to public's memory and humor applied in the fields of visual communication and to prove advertising posters can be assessed in terms of parody. In this context, advertising posters have been studied, in the light of the informations which have been gathered, humorous objects taking place in advertising posters have been assessed and sample advertising posters have been examined in this context.
doi:10.16950/iujad.798894 fatcat:boaaumf6c5aiflnqnoxpouesle