The Effect of Deposition Parameters on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films from a Single Target by Magnetron Sputtering Method

Guochao Qi, Shouli Zhao, Ziwen Li, Mengbao Huang, Xin Shu, Fengjun Shan
2017 DEStech Transactions on Materials Science and Engineering  
Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS) thin films were fabricated with a single target by magnetron sputtering method. The effects of sputtering parameters such as base temperature, heat treatment temperature and sputtering power on the properties of films were analyzed. The surface morphology, composition and crystal structural property of the films were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It shows from the results that CIGS
more » ... fabricate without substrate heating can lead to Se coagulation bubbles on the surface after heat treatment process. Substrate heating at 200°C can effectively prevent such drawbacks. Heat treatment temperature and sputtering power have apparent effect on the crystallization of CIGS phase. The optimized parameters of the sputtering process are heat treated at 400℃ and sputtering power at 165W.
doi:10.12783/dtmse/icmea2015/7260 fatcat:nwulbwp7ufd6ra6j3cn62haq3i