Benjamin Trott: Miniature Painter

Anne Verplanck
Cooper and Paula Friedman, Yale Art Gallery. I w o uld also like to express my thanks to my friends and family for their e n c o u r a g e m e n t . vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Illustration 1. William Irbv by Trott and Lovett. Oil on canvas, 1793. Private collection, by courtesy the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts Research Files. Elizabeth Irbv by Trott and Lovett. Oil on canvas, 1793. Private collection, by courtesy of the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts Research F i l e s . 3.
more » ... homas White by Benjamin Trott. Watercolor on ivory, c. 1800-1820. Courtesy of Independence National Historical Park. Peregrine Wroth by Trott. Watercolor on ivory, 18 06. Location unknown. Reproduced in H. Wehle,
doi:10.21220/s2-c4sw-ny44 fatcat:keh6zuk6urbqdl6uprfbvi3hca