Lessons learned for improving policies affecting forest conservation and climate change adaptation in Kenya's water tower communities [book]

Russell A., Ongugo P., Banana A.Y.
2016 unpublished
Lessons learned for improving policies affecting forest conservation and climate change adaptation in Kenya's water tower communities Key points • Biodiversity conservation and livelihood policies are poorly integrated, undermining the implementation of both. • National strategies for CC adaptation and mitigation follow traditional ministerial silos, risking the replication of problems associated with isolated portfolio approaches. • Successful ecosystem-based adaptation on Mount Elgon requires
more » ... greater cooperation between ministries, decentralized (local) governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities to: -Integrate conservation (CC mitigation) and development (CC adaptation) objectives and activities. -Build coherence in spatial planning to achieve biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, disaster mitigation, and agricultural intensification across landscapes. • Decentralized governments have the potential to serve as coordinating bodies for jurisdictional EbA strategies and lead development of subnational CC initiatives.
doi:10.17528/cifor/006343 fatcat:2xmxerlchvhqxgizekhvwlo5hu