Fog in Comparison to Cloud: A Survey

K. P.Saharan, Anuj Kumar
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Fog computing is new buzz word in computing world after cloud computing. This new computing paradigm could be seen as an extension to cloud computing. Main aim of fog computing is to reduce the burden on cloud by gathering workloads, services, applications and huge data to near network edge. In this survey paper, we will discuss main characteristics of the Fog that are; 1.Mobility, 2.Location awareness, 3.Low latency, 4.Huge number of nodes, 5. Extensive geographical distribution, 6.Various
more » ... time applications and we explore the advantages and motivation of Fog computing, and analyze its applications for IOT.
doi:10.5120/21679-4773 fatcat:6sue33rr4za2ngjrrkxlphv3na