Eine ländliche Gesellschaft an der Schwelle zur Industrialisierung

Michaela Wolfram
2010 unpublished
The present thesis takes the theoretical concept of ecotypes as starting point for the analysis of individual households within a given geographical area, which is the Norwegian community Lier, focussing on economic conditions. Based on the data of the Norwegian census of 1801, the households are analysed with regard to demographic aspects and household of the community Lier. In the following, a compact overview of ecological, climatic, legal, social, economic as well as political aspects of
more » ... way in this point of time is provided, focussing on possible influencing factors for individual households. Finally, the analysis of individual examples wants to display relationships between individual households and their environment and to identify factors influencing these individual households. The region in which Lier is situated in one of the regions of Norway with intensive agriculture influenced by massive (pre) industrial development. This area of conflict between agrarian and non-agrarian lines of business provides a framework for the verification of the ecotype concept, which is discussed in the theoretical overview showing the limits of this theory with respect to Scandinavian and especially Norwegian conditions. A main question of the analysis is whether the concept of ecotypes is applicable for Norway in general, and furthermore, if main lines of business which are also displayed in individual households' structure or even complex economic relationships can be identified. Apart from a detailed overview over Norway around 1800, the thesis concentrates on the analysis of Lier's households. The outcome proves the limitation to one dominant line of business as impossible. On the contrary, the structural variety of this region around 1800 in social as well as economic respect becomes evident. By this the limitations of the ecotype concept and its applicability become evident. At the same time, a picture of a colourful and changing rural society between basic services and market oriented industrial production prom [...]
doi:10.25365/thesis.10194 fatcat:7jbwv6iezjgz7o4nlumbm6xdwa