Final Report on ONR Contract Number N00014-82-K-0612 (Texas A&M university) [report]

Charles R. Martin
1990 unpublished
IC o The objectives of the proposed research were to explore the 0 electrochemical and optical properties of ensembles of nanoscopic metallic particles and in an earlier phase to explore ion and electron transport in polymers. Accomplishments have been ( reviewed in 57 technical reports and 57 publications. Thus, an Nextensive review is not warranted here. Suffice it to say that we have demonstrated the ensembles of nanoscopic metallic particles can function as "ultramicroelectrodes" and that
more » ... e ultramicroelectrode ensembles have interesting and useful electrochemical properties. We have also shown that these ensembles can function as transparent metal films.
doi:10.21236/ada231816 fatcat:pqepih5tcvcdbjmef7jp46g6ki