Epidemiological survey of canine babesiosis in Makurdi, Nigeria

EA Omudu, BO Atu, J Ayashar
2009 Animal Research International  
The prevalence of Babesia canis and their t ck vectors was invest gated in Makurd 108 dogs were screened for Babesia canis and 208 dogs were examined for tick ectoparasites. 10.2 % o the dogs were positive for Babesia canis infect on. Chi square analysis showed no significant difference in infection rates in male and female dogs (X 2 = 2.579, df = 1, P > 0 05). 75.9 % of dogs examined for ticks were infested with either Rhipicephalus, Boophilus and Amblyomma species or combination of the three.
more » ... The paws were the most preferred site of attachment for the t cks. 126 (79.6 %) of the 158 in ested dogs had ticks on the paw (X 2 = 10.388, df = 4, P > 0 05). The publ c health implications of these findings especially as relates to the increasing incidence and prevalence of dog borne zoonotic infections are discussed. i i i. f i .
doi:10.4314/ari.v4i3.48685 fatcat:bhjuowpt2za25jbagezreb4fka