Spacetime coordinates in the geocentric reference frame

M. Fujimoto, E. Grafarend
1986 Symposium - International astronomical union  
A geocentric relativistic reference frame is established which is close to the conventional non-relativistic equatorial frame of reference. Within post-Newtonian approximation the worldline of the geocentre is used to connect points by spacelike geodesics on the equal proper time hypersurface and to establish a properly chosen tetrad reference frame. Points on the earth surface and near the earth-space are coordinated making use of the Frobenius matrix of integrating factors which connects the
more » ... eocentric orthonormal tetrad with the tangent spacetime of relativistic pseudo-Riemann geometry. The gravity field of the earth and its relative velocity with respect to the solar system barycentre cause coordinate effects of the order of 10 cm for topocentric point positioning.
doi:10.1017/s0074180900148284 fatcat:3a6gc32nefh23dzina7m6zjewu