Maryland Gazette December 1772
(:Unkn) Unknown
HE fate of Gznenfloch is a{ laft decided j that fortrcfs, alter having long been the bulwark of the Confederates, was forced to futreniier to the Ruffians on the 15th inftant, who found therein an immenfe imgazinej and 150 pieces of cannon. PLOS)KKO, Aug. io. Letters _ _ , from Lithuania affure us, that the Ruffians already occupy Polim-Livonia ; and that Rulfia will keep poffeflion of that country, as her own COPENHAGEN, Aug. 17. Our Court.has received by txprefs, the news ot a rebellion in
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... d-n. General Huth fe-s out to-morrow for Norway ; joo fuftls have been drawn out of our arfenal, in order to be embaf ktd (or that country. ... MARSEILLES, Scp\.%. Letters from Alexandria in Egypt, dated July 5, confirm, that A'i Bey, havingbeen joined by h>s allies, had gainst! a complete victory .over hit enemies, and that the army he hid overcome, was commanded by five Pachas, three of whom lolt their lives in it, and t>iat the batt.e laftcd two d lys. WARSAW, Sept. *. Jult at the departure of the poftj Capt. WiKte and Mr. Brant arrived here ih quality of couriers, with the important news that the peace between Ruffia nnd the Porte is happily concluded. HAMBURG, Srpt. it. Thy important news from Warfiw, of a peace between Ruflia and the GrAnd Turk, is confirmed by letters from Berlin. , LEIDEN, Sept. 16. We havo juft received advices from Poland, dated Auguft ty, which inform us that thedecifion for the .iff.iirs of Poland is fixed for the jgth of this month; that the peace between, the two belligerent powers, will be ftgned three diys before ) that at the above-mentioned time, the Pruflians, the Ruffians, and the Aulirains, will take poffcffion of Ihofe parti of Poland which fhall be afftgned to their couits; and that orders are already given for tint purpole, among Others to General de Bet ling, and to Baton de baldern, who, will remain at Warlaw till the toth of September, &c. life, as well as in co.nfequence not only of his Majelty'i large family, but of the. inci cafe in civil employments^ which he IB obliged to maintain, his allowance of 800,000 I. will be made a million annually in the next feflion of Parliament. Sept. 4. Sir Robert Mtirray Keith, vve are told, was to.have returned to Copenhagen in his former capacity ; but he gave to underlUnd, that he was apprehenfive he (hould not return I here again alive if lie did; at leaft hit fituation would be rendered fo Qihgreeable by the arts «f a dtfappointed crewj tbat he ... <.,-,.. ...... . 'Ift': Europe, and in that cafe all Europe will not be able W buy their bread corn from any other merchant, but " the King of Pruffiai v : " It is not my intention toinfpire vainahd vifi«nary difquietudes and tro.uble} my requeft, my intreaty ii only that the coiidu&t of the King of Pruflia'* whole life, hii.arbitrary fyftem, of politicks, and unmeafuraV ble ambition^ may be .examined by the different pon of Europe with an. impartial eyei They will then that he owes all his importance to his conft. ntly ke^ping a fleady eye upch the future^ and that by (hould not be capable of doing that duty the nature of forefoeing events, and making all luitable preparations his office required. -... *, before-liand, hit enterprises are alwars fure 9? fuc-Srpt. 5. It is exceedingly whimfical that though the EngnOi conflaer themlelvcs as the only free nation in Europe, every other is equally captivated with its con-(litution. The Ruffians, whom we repiefent as miferable flaves, depofed their Piince to maintain their rights j and the Poles are at this moment glorying in the full pofleflioh of their liberty, though three different armies} belonging to different Princes, are houily dictating death tluougli the unfortunate country, ; By .letters from Peteriburgh we learn, that the gneateft expectations are formed on the difcovery of a lafe and prailicil navigation F.-om the coafts of Knm'fch itha to China-and japan. ( and that a company is already formed, under the immediate protection of the Empiels, for the further profetution of opening a cofnrnunicanon and trade with that part of Alia. Oi N, HORON, v piC.i' 'rreprtjen^ 'that-W Heir Office 3y virtue of Years »g°. expiries > ewhopur-Lord.W Ibiteceiv-Ccov J t Jig. 14. The Neapolitan Gazette, .dated July 4, atonglt uther things, contains the following : I label la Milone was laft jveek oondufted to the monafteiy, in which (he was fentcncsjd to be imprifoned. But the nuni, perfuaded "y the wonders which flic vtoi kej, (hit (hi was poflefled of an evil (pint, who would <-f courfe enter the walls with her, refufed her admittance. The conftcrnation and lion or, the. ba e ideas of Jier wiichciaf't excited in thefe religious Isdits, was fo j that nothing could induce .them to open the gatei. They folicited tin perfon who brought her to N hy their humble reprefentations at the foot uf the throne, and to plead their excufe. ^he poor girls fupplicated hit Majetty not to put their , falvation in dinner, in forcing them to op'in their afylum to the, Dtvil, who would not ceafe his endeavours to get within their wall.-, and when theie would produce nothing but dtforder and corifulion. We art impa:ient to hear how the King will determine in this matter, a1 ! thertfufal favours ftrongly of wcakn'efs and credulity. *<£. 17. Thurfdhy laft the battalion of the rojal tramol artillery, quartered at Greenwich for the pUrpoie cf the review on Black Heath by his /Viajelly, matched from thence for Chatham bairaiks. They »tre a very handfome corps of young men,' who pre. tty»«raQed the notice of th« y.oung women of that town, by their civil and polite behaViour, and during their Hay got greatly into tlieir good grates,* tnlbmudi ftjt it u computtd near twenty young lalfes went off *iih them. The diurns beat the march about t,wo o'clock in the morning, at which early'hour the young full took the opportunity of leaving' tlieir beds, and Jipped out unknown to.their families, fo that in one t'ttt near the church,' wlie,re they kept a guaid, there' *»inot a fervant maid that was handfume t'o be found *hen the families got-up, excepting two, who, being. *fry handfome, and fhei!" miftreflis having fome fu.'pi-. now, locked all the doori over night and ft cured the ")»» fo the great difappointmerit of the poor girls. dug-18: So great is the paffion for lands on the Mif-Ppi in North America, that one petition pnly, mnv '?">g before the Pi ivy Council, hn» 180 names to it, J""1)' of them perfons of large fortune, who are alreaty fending to the neighbourhood of the Rhine and jKhtf pam Of Germany for emigrants, which they are nkely to colltcl: in gieai nurtftbtis from the poverty of Itiefe countries; SW-:. By a gentleman juft aVrived from St. Brieux" Briianny, we are informed, that the calibrated din-"ic ttuthor, who lately abfcondeil for a deteftabe attempt, was found dead near Dol," by .tht» monks ot a *"onaftery n«ar that place. A cpnfiderabU fum of moyy found upon him, became the property of the holy B'h«r«. Itwat faid, that he had poifoned hitwlelf, »" "'« ----* , . ,.'> ii i!r_'_.. . n ExtraS of a '*tnuirit lelttr jromWarfuiu* .. •• * *Talbtt CoXinty, A LL Perfons: ndcbted to the late Mr. Matthias Gale, of London, Merchant, are ddired to pay Vheirrefpeftive Balantei to the Snbfcribcr, __W3 MATTHIAS GALE, Adminiftrator. !F» b< fnlj by the Svbfcribtr, at publick Vtndue, on Saturday tbt \ gth Day of December next, for ready Money Bills of Exchange , or "Credit with Security if t equired.