Study on the Influencing Factors of the Particle Size Distribution of Emulsion for ASP Flooding

Wenling Song, Li-Juan Zhao, Zhigang Huang, Wei Dou
2015 The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal  
The particle size distribution of oil-water emulsion is one of important characteristics of emulsion for alkaline/surfactant/polymer (ASP) flooding. In this paper, the various factors on particle size distribution of oil-water emulsion are determined by using MS 2000 Micro laser particle size analyzer, the result showed that the emulsion particles became fining by the added surfactant, but the surfactant concentration has little effects on particle size of emulsions. With the salinity increase,
more » ... the diameters of emulsion particles increased. The particle size becomes larger with the addition of polymer. With the increase of polymer concentration, the diameters of emulsion particles increased and the size distribution turned wider.
doi:10.2174/1876973x01508010123 fatcat:ikzbg2ii5nfpbcy25kg3ylkz7a