Nanaimo Free Press [Wednesday, April 18, 1900] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
R. Johnstoq & Go. iWielasaia ai:l Rstail Qrocor* ________Bawioir sra ' ' HEW SHIRT WAi^i Ryfr? vu of Ladiesbhirt Waists. Ihe Latest Style.s ajid Patterns SlSir? ;'^tripes, with White and ^lored detachable Collars and Cuffs. Also even m I SCOTT'S mil BNANAIMO. BRITISH COLOMBIA WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18. 1900. I For the N|en Folks. th«® Um tWBpUtiOQ Will b. too great to rteitt-Vcw'll boy. Th. Uto .Itod. in Hau. too Frit. Linrn ami Straw, youll wan. DO. fur Kartor SomUy aoro 1 hr tod.,. wiU bar. ihmr o..
doi:10.25316/ir-9334 fatcat:64m6hdilonf6xnaer2xnukyvsq