Vortices in fracton type gauge theories

G.S. Lozano, F.A. Schaposnik
2020 Physics Letters B  
We consider a vector gauge theory in 2 + 1 dimensions of the type recently proposed by Radzihovsky and Hermele [1] to describe fracton phases of matter. The theory has U (1) × U (1) vector gauge fields coupled to an additional vector field with a non conventional gauge symmetry. We added to the theory scalar matter in order to break the gauge symmetry. We analyze non trivial configurations by reducing the field equations to first order self dual (BPS) equations which we solved numerically. We
more » ... ve found vortex solutions for the gauge fields which in turn generate for the extra vector field non-trivial configurations that can be associated to magnetic dipoles.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135978 fatcat:qn2zv4kh2vdjrb332nhqbo2en4