Infrared Space ObservatoryObservations of the Unidentified 30 Micron Feature in Proto–Planetary Nebulae

Kevin Volk, Sun Kwok, Bruce J. Hrivnak, Ryszard Szczerba
2002 Astrophysical Journal  
The intrinsic emission proÐle of the unidentiÐed broad 30 km emission feature is derived from Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) spectra of protoÈplanetary nebulae (PPNs). The feature is resolved into two components : a narrower feature at 26 km and a broader feature at 33 km. The intrinsic proÐles of these two features and their varying strengths in PPNs are determined. The chemical origin of these features and the processes responsible for their changing strengths from asymptotic giant branch
more » ... GB) stars to PPNs to planetary nebulae are discussed. Subject headings : circumstellar matter È infrared : stars È ISM : lines and bands È planetary nebulae : general È radiative transfer È stars : AGB and post-AGB
doi:10.1086/337992 fatcat:mawbdz6kvvashjz54jbu4j4yyi