Limicolaria flammea (Müller, 1774), Another Potentially Invasive African Land Snail in Tropical Asia

Siong Kiat Tan, Gopalasamy Reuben Clements
2011 Tropical Conservation Science  
The pulmonate land snail, Limicolaria flammea (Müller, 1774), is native to West Africa and its invasive potential is hitherto unknown. We report this species in Asia, specifically on the tropical island of Singapore. The presence of this alien species is of grave concern because its congener (L. aurora) has invaded the French West Indies and the confamilial giant African land snail (Achatina fulica) has colonized the globe to an extent where it is regarded as one of the world's worst 100
more » ... e alien species. In order to curb the spread of L. flammea into the native forests in Singapore, local authorities should start employing mechanical eradication methods (e.g., handpicking). We hypothesize that L. flammea arrived together with an exotic plant species, whose identity and import origin must be determined urgently to prevent the spread of this species into the rest of tropical Asia.
doi:10.1177/194008291100400109 fatcat:4jebvvvkbzca7ctn6rgl4rxqne