Arab Countries Within the WTO

Sana Bou Dargham
2020 European Journal of Economics Law and Politics  
While international trade is accelerating and encompassing more developing and emerging countries, it appears that the Arab countries are staying away from this process and their integration into world trade is encountering many obstacles. Faced with the dangers of bilateralism and the failure of further trade integration, it is clear to Arab countries that the multilateral framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO) remains the most conducive to protecting their interests. But their
more » ... n within this organization remains marginal. This contribution attempts, precisely, to analyse the underlying reasons for this marginalization and the nature of the challenges facing the Arab countries within the WTO.
doi:10.19044/elp.v7no4a2 fatcat:2k6k6mq5ffaxbkxf5ilu3wyesu