The Analysis of Wind Hole Effect for The Bangpae Kite
방패연의 방구멍 효과에 대한 분석

Chi-Hang Kang
2014 Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences  
Our Korean traditional cultural inheritance Bangpae Kite has the stable rectangular shield shape decorated with artistic paint or poem and a good flight performance due to the central wind hole. In this paper, to analyse the wind hole effect to kite performance we performed the wind tunnel testing of the various design factor of kite model and air flow visualization passing through the wind hole. As the result of aerodynamic analysis, we knew that the wind hole of kite displays similar function
more » ... of slot system for the wing high lift device. This fact demonstrates that our ancestor understood the function of slot system and applied effectively to the development of kite flight performance.
doi:10.5139/jksas.2014.42.7.561 fatcat:yhrnroq3uvdohi3djsc7pf2kpu