Analysis of Necessity of Writing Poetry in Senior High School

Wijil Rachmadhani, Maman Suryaman
2020 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, and Arts Education (ICLLAE 2019)   unpublished
This research aims to find out teacher and students' needs on poetry writing learning development at Senior High School level. The sample consisted of 20 Indonesian language teachers at 10 Senior High Schools and 20 X graders at 5 Senior High Schools. The techniques of collecting data were preliminary observation in the forms of questionnaire and interview. The data was analyzed descriptive qualitatively. The data was analyzed by collecting, presenting, and concluding the data. The validity
more » ... data triangulation technique. The findings showed that the learning was not maximum since the learning medium was not used optimally, less interesting, and did not have variation so it could not stimulate students' imagination to put their ideas and notions. Students had less attention while doing creative process outside of Indonesian learning hours. Writing poetry should be done by using more interactive technology to improve the students' interests. It was important because creative writing process of poetry could emerge and occur outside of learning hours. The usable technology was utilization of android toward poetry writing learning process so that students' creative processes could be monitored well, anytime and anywhere by the teachers. The findings showed that android was considered influential medium to improve the learning.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200804.088 fatcat:hcegwyei6ndkbi36wevjzw5kyy