Sulfide Shrimp? Observations on the concealed life history of the Thermosbaenacea (Crustacea)

Francis Por
2014 Subterranean Biology  
The discovery and subsequent observation over various years of a massive population of the thermosbaenacean Tethysbaena ophelicola Wagner in the subterranean karstic sulfide pool of Ayyalon (Israel) enabled us to reach conclusions about the previously unknown life strategy of this crustacean super-order. These are preferably monophagous sulfur-bacteria-eating pelagic shrimps of stratified subterranean pools, adapted to microaerobic-anaerobic conditions, by among others ovoviviparity and the
more » ... able help of sulfide detoxifying bacterial endosymbiosis.
doi:10.3897/subtbiol.14.7927 fatcat:fbmsd72ndzbefagtg5feqn6u6u