Continuous separation of proteins by isoelectric focusing

Shintaro Furusaki, Tatsuji Kikuchi
Continuous separation of proteins is studied by using electrophoresis. The apparatus is composed with electrophoresis cells which are separated by porous membranes. The value of pH is adjusted so as to be low near the anode and high near the cathode. Intermediate cells stand at intermediate values of pH. Some cells stand at pH's of the isoelectric points of desired proteins. By the driving forces originated by the electric potential field, proteins migrate toward the cells at their isoelectric
more » ... oints. This separation, continuous isoelectric focusing, is studied by measuring extent of migration of bovine serum albumin. Experimental results are discussed by use of a theory considering electrochemical mobility and flow pattern inside the cells.
doi:10.5360/membrane.8.243 fatcat:rpdwygre7jg2thjnojyvinx67m