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Bibliographical Notices Urinary Deposits; their Diagnosis, Pathology and Therapeutical Indications . By Golding Bird, M.D., F.R.S. Edited by Edmund Lloyd Birkett, M.D., &c. A new American from the fifth London Edition. With eighty Illustrations on Wood. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea. 1859. 8vo. pp. 382
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
are inferior in value to most of the phenomena of disease during life, being no more than the marks of the ravages of disease, and affording comparatively little insight into its intimate nature. The real basis of all pathological inquiry must be clinical research, made with the fullest appreciation of the facts of anatomy and physiology ; mere morbid anatomy leads necessarily to erroneous views of pathology and practice." The diseases treated of are Rheumatic Fever, with its varied