ANALISIS EFISIENSI PEMASARAN UBI JALAR DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH (Analysis of the Marketing Efficiency of Sweet Potato In Central Lampung Regency)

Angginesa Pradika, Ali Hasyim, Achdiansyah Soelaiman, Jurusan Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung, Jalan Prof, Brojonegoro Soemantri, No
The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency of the marketing of sweet potato in Central Lampung regency. The method used in this research was the analysis of the model of S-C-P (structure, conduct, and performance). The S-C-P model is used to analyze an organization's market. The results showed that the sweet potato marketing systems in Central Lampung regency was inefficient, because the first structure of the market (market structure) was formed oligopsoni, both the behavior of
more » ... market (market conduct) farmers, which was done a cash payment system and through the bargaining process, variability third market (market performance), and there were four sweet potato marketing channels. The marketing margins and the fourth and Profit margin Ratio (RPM) was not evenly spread, and the price transmission elasticity (Et) was worth 0.69 (Et <1). The means of the market competition was not run perfectly, but the share in the producer marketing channels in Central Lampung farmers was high as 70.54 percent. It meant that the higher the share of producers would be the more efficient marketing.