Low-Cost Optoelectronic Self-Injection-Locked Oscillators

Kwang-Hyun Lee, Jae-Young Kim, Woo-Young Choi, Hideki Kamitsuna, Minoru Ida, Kenji Kurishima
2008 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters  
We demonstrate a new configuration for an optoelectronic self-injection-locked (SIL) oscillator, where a part of the electrical output signal is self-injected after passing through a long optical delay line for output phase-noise reduction. The SIL oscillator consists of an electrical free-running oscillator and a long optical feedback loop. For the compact and low cost configuration, the free-running oscillator is realized with an InP HPT-based monolithic oscillator and electrical-to-optical
more » ... nversion is carried out by two low-speed and low-cost laser diodes. With this new configuration, we achieve more than 55-dB phase-noise reduction at 10-kHz frequency offset from the center frequency of about 10.8 GHz by injecting 8-dBm optical signals without using any high-speed optoelectronic components. Index Terms-InP monolithic oscillator, optoelectronic oscillator (OEO), phase-noise reduction, self-injection locking (SIL).
doi:10.1109/lpt.2008.925189 fatcat:jjuc522dmjgbffzwzkcjgdm6ti