Czterdziesty Doroczny Kongres i inne inicjatywy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Rachunkowości

Anna Szychta
2017 Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości  
Czterdziesty Doroczny Kongres i inne inicjatywy Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Rachunkowości The European Accounting Association (EAA), founded in 1977, is currently an organization of almost 2300 members from 70 different countries in Europe and other continents. The Association realizes the intentions of its founders more and more, so the EAA has become the focal point for communications for its member residing in Europe and abroad. The aim of this paper is to synthesize the main activities
more » ... ntly implemented by the EAA, especially for the promotion of young researchers in the field of accounting, as well as to outline the topics of the symposia and indicate the selected issues addressed in papers presented at the sessions and research fora at the 40th EAA Annual Congress, which took place in Valencia (Spain) on 10–12 May 2017. The Congress was attended by about 1500 participants. The scientific program of the Congress included the plenary session, a panel session, 9 symposia, 167 parallel sessions, and 99 research forum sessions in which 947 papers were presented.
doi:10.5604/01.3001.0010.5002 fatcat:ehizwqvwrfeonhzzbyu5nkvtxq