Parallel Processing Applied to Computational Electromagnetics [report]

L. C. Russell, J. W. Rockway
1991 unpublished
MA SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To apply parallel processing techniques to a computational electromagnetic code and show that high-performance computing can improve the utility and efficiency of techniques used in ship electromagnetic designs. RESULTS " Efficient parallel matrix filling, factoring, and solving routines were developed, implemented, and evaluated. " The performances of the parallel matrix factoring and solving routines were independent of the structure being analyzed, whereas the
more » ... of the parallel matrix filling routine was found to be very dependent on the structure being analyzed. " Several different techniques for mapping the matrix columns onto the processors were implemented and evaluated. * Efficiencies for all parallel algorithms increased as the size of the matrix being solved increased. " Performance comparisons were made between a MicroVax, the four transputer array, and the Convex Model C-220 mini-supercomputer. PAYOFFS Several payoffs have resulted, or will result, from the work done on this lED project: " A computer platform now exists for the efficient transition of computational electromagnetics to high-performance computing. The transputer array can be used to initiate parallelizing an existing computer code. " This next-generation increase in processing speed will permit more accurate modeling of ship topsides and extend the practical method of moments modeling of ships to high I IF through low UHtF bands. This will make new, innovative ship designs much more feasible. " Since topside synthesis is accomplished by iterative analysis, design quality will significantly improve with the enhanced speed offered by high-performance computing. Accession For NTI I I &I . .
doi:10.21236/ada242372 fatcat:2rxbjsiidjhhljoilletewq3qe