مجلس الأمن الدولی دراسة شرعیة قانونیة

خالد بن محمد الیوسف
2022 مجلة کلیة الشریعة والقانون بتفهنا الأشراف - دقهلیة  
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the most important main organ of UN, and it is the executive council of this facility. This council was given by Charter of the United Nations major powers to keep peace and security between nations. No binding international resolution could be issued for all member countries but after the Security Council approval, which is expressed shortly by some of International Law Jurists: the world police officers. Today, Islamic countries are the member states
more » ... n United Nation, therefore assigned by council authority, competency and resolutions thus it is required to submit legal study compared to Islamic legislation of council indicating the permissibility of subscribing in establishing council and permissibility of executing its resolutions. The study result is to leave the matter up to Muslims' Imam according to legal policy managing the nation affairs taking into account the interests and corruptions, need and necessity, nation care, security consolidation, achieving and increasing goodness, repelling and reducing harm.
doi:10.21608/jfslt.2022.276073 fatcat:i6e7navswza6jhvp4ydcw6y5ri