The Albanian Adaptation of the Science Motivation

Ahmed Fatih Ersoy, Ylljet Aliçka
2016 European Journal of Language and Literature  
Motivation is an important factor in learning. The purpose of the study is to adopt SMQ-II in Albanian language and to examine the motivation of secondary school students to learn physics and to report the validity and reliability of the study. The sample was 273 secondary school students from five high schools in Albania. The original questionnaire measures five motivation components: intrinsic motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, career motivation, and grade motivation. The data
more » ... ected from five high schools was analyzed and similar factor structures were found as in the original questionnaire. Based on the principal component analysis five dimensions for learning physics were found. The Cronbach's alpha reliability was found to be .894. Physics Motivation Questionnaire, the adopted version of SMQ-II, is a tool to assess secondary school students' motivation to learn physics.
doi:10.26417/ejls.v4i1.p149-156 fatcat:enpi7xudyzbtdivxrqrhgqcaxi