Immunoassays of brassinosteroids
V. A. Khripach, V. N. Zhabinskii, R. P. Litvinovskaya
Brassinosteroids: A Class of Plant Hormone
The identification of brassinosteroids (BS) in plant raw material is a complex and multistep procedure including many operations. Because of the very low BS content in plants, it is not always possible to isolate them in quantities that are sufficient for the recording of all spectral characteristics. In such cases the identification of BS has to be done by making derivatives and comparing these with separately synthesized authentic samples. Gas chromatography in combination with mass
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... ry (GC-MS) in different modifications is employed very often for the identification of natural BS. Usually, moderately volatile methaneboronic acid derivatives of BS are used for spectroscopic analysis. An alternative for GC-MS is a method based on highperformance liquid chromatography of BS derivatives suitable for UV-, or other methods of detection. These methods in different modifications were widely used and allowed identification of a number of naturally occurring BS, including three new hormones recently discovered by joint research group of our laboratory and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology. Unfortunately, all these approaches are rather expensive and time consuming, and that is why they are not suitable for the routine analysis of samples. At the same time, extensive research programs on BS biosynthesis, their species-specific distribution in plants and mechanism of action, initiated nowadays in many laboratories, need newly elaborated techniques which allow more sensitive, speedy and cheaper BS analysis. It is also true in connection with permanently expanding agricultural use of BS, where deep knowledge on BS dynamic in plants, their metabolism in animals and related problems is necessary. The immunoassay technique, using antibodies against BS as an analytical instrument, looks the most convenient for this purpose. Although immunoassays for analysis of plant hormones have advanced and are readily accessible for plant physiologists, there are seemingly no efficient immunological assay systems for BS. In this lecture, our efforts toward elaboration of immunoenzymatic assay for brassinosteroids will be described.