Horizontal Loop Electromagnetic and Self-Potential Signatures of Mineralized Structures: A Case Study from Abu Rusheid Area, Southeastern Desert, Egypt

Assran Assran, Mohamed Omran, Mohamed Al-Ahmady, Mamdouh Hassan, Gehad Mansour
2009 Journal of King Abdulaziz University-Earth Sciences  
Horizontal-loop electromagnetic (HLEM) and self-potential (SP) surveys were carried out at Abu Rusheid area, southeastern Desert, Egypt, to follow the extension of the exposed mineralized shear zone at depth and to detect any possible subsurface mineralization and its probable extension, as well as to reveal its structural setting, which may affect the distribution of radioactive and other associated minerals. continuity of mineralization northwards. In addition, the NNW-SSE, NW-SE and NE-SW
more » ... nding structures are of prime importance and can be considered as significant targets for further field investigations.
doi:10.4197/ear.20-2.3 fatcat:vp7tgpbbbfdrpo2mrjzd7euabm