Employing Machine Translation in Glocalization Tasks - A Use Case Study

Jörg Schütz, Sven Christian Andrä
2010 European Association for Machine Translation Conferences/Workshops  
Today, we and our customers are faced with a huge amount of continuous data streams in multiple languages and different forms and formats. Therefore, our business communications requirements and strategies demand for an effective employment of various language resources to economically and efficiently administer, master and monitor information processes and workflows across languages, cultures and time zones. We have thoroughly investigated into what language resources are mostly suited for our
more » ... needs, and what are the important enablers in different translingual technical deployment scenarios that guarantee throughput, scalability, quality and successful operations and applications. Although Machine Translation (MT) is still a gadget because neither individual nor business users do share the usability and quality of MT as a real user experience, MT is an intrinsic part of our solution. With this paper we want to share and discuss our findings on MT with the community.
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