Courrent Concepts: Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder

Pulcinelli FM, Nannerini M, Emanuele G, Libutti E
2022 Acta Scientific Orthopaedics  
Adhesive capsulitis is a condition characterised by the spontaneous onset of pain, and progressive movement restriction/limitation. The etiology of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder is still unknown. Patients often complain about pain, especially overnight, and progressive reduction of range of motion. Conservative treatment can be performed b physioterapy, corticosteroid injection and capsular distension. When conservative treatment fails, surgical treatment is indicated, it is characterized
more » ... by either open or arthroscopic treatment followed by manipulation. The aim of this article is to provide the literature and our experience results of the most used treatments.
doi:10.31080/asor.2022.05.0545 fatcat:354mhtjapzejtdxqo2vup4fc3y