Computer diagnostic features combining different types of radiographs of the maxillofacial area

Roman S. Subbotin, Margarita N. Puzdyreva, Igor V. Fomin, Sergey B. Fishchev, Andrey A. Kondratyuk
2019 Pediatrician (St Petersburg)  
The introduction of new digital technologies into clinical practice and the improvement of X-ray equipment made it possible to widely use the method of cone-beam computed tomography and other X-ray methods of research. However, it is necessary to improve diagnostic methods by combining different research methods. Aim. Improvement of the method of investigation of the spatial arrangement of elements of the temporomandibular joint and medial incisors of the upper and lower jaw. Materials and
more » ... ds. The study analyzed teleroentgenogram in the lateral projection and computed tomography of 292 people with no signs of organic pathology of the maxillofacial region. Generally accepted in orthodontics morphological points and anatomical landmarks were used. Results. The proposed method of combining computer tomography mandibular joint and medial cuts antagonists with teleroentgenograms of the head in lateral projection. The main reference points were the C points at the top of the articular process and the auditory passage of tomograms, which were combined with respect to the craniocerebral horizontal. When applying tomograms cutters guidance was conditional median vertical cutters, which were combined with lines forming mezhrassovyy angle teleroentgenogram, as well as the front vertical face (N – Pg), and the period Pg. Conclusion. The study proposed matching algorithm telerentgenogram and some portions of the tomograms of the temporomandibular joints and the medial incisors in the occlusal relationship.
doi:10.17816/ped10351-56 fatcat:rmomotpmanc5jmel4ig2ucztqi