The Strijp-S living-lab: testing innovative solutions for fault protection, self-healing, congestion management, and voltage control

R. Fonteijn, M.H. Roos, P.H. Nguyen, J. Morren, J.G. Slootweg
2018 2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)  
Distribution system operators are investigating methods to facilitate a high penetration of distributed energy resources while maintaining network reliability in a cost effective way. Some of the challenges associated with a high penetration of distributed energy resources are network overloading, voltage violations, and inadequate fault protection. Mitigation measures to these challenges are investigated in a newly developed livinglab in the district of Strijp-S, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
more » ... s living-lab is home to demonstrators from two H2020 projects: In-terFlex and UNITED-GRID. The InterFlex demonstrator focuses on congestion management and voltage control through a dayahead and intraday flexibility market, while the UNITED-GRID demonstrator focuses on near real-time solutions for congestion management, voltage control, fault protection and self-healing. This paper addresses the innovative solutions which will be developed and tested in both demonstrators, in relation to the living-lab. Furthermore, an initial overview is given of a potential integrated approach to utilize both demonstrators in parallel.
doi:10.1109/upec.2018.8542117 fatcat:seqqnefb75akvjxystojvvwjeu