Time-Rescaling of Dirac Dynamics: Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Ion Traps and Weyl Semimetals

Agniva Roychowdhury, Sebastian Deffner
2021 Entropy  
Only very recently, rescaling time has been recognized as a way to achieve adiabatic dynamics in fast processes. The advantage of time-rescaling over other shortcuts to adiabaticity is that it does not depend on the eigenspectrum and eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. However, time-rescaling requires that the original dynamics are adiabatic, and in the rescaled time frame, the Hamiltonian exhibits non-trivial time-dependence. In this work, we show how time-rescaling can be applied to Dirac
more » ... , and we show that all time-dependence can be absorbed into the effective potentials through a judiciously chosen unitary transformation. This is demonstrated for two experimentally relevant scenarios, namely for ion traps and adiabatic creation of Weyl points.
doi:10.3390/e23010081 pmid:33429967 fatcat:4dse5zavr5erni6i5gisireaby