The Impact of Financial and Non-Financial Rewards in Achieving Job Attraction and Improving Nurses' Performance

Farajalah Rahimi, Hatam Khalilipour, Sousan Kamaei Bahmaei, Leila Saberrad, Maryam Torkashvand
2017 Health Research Journal  
Nurses play an important role in the care and improvement of health. Financial and non-financial rewards are among the most important occupational absorbers that affect the performance of nurses. So the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of financial and non-financial rewards on perceived occupational attractiveness and job performance of nurses. Materials and Methods: The research in terms of purpose was applicable and in terms of data collection method was
more » ... ion type. The samples were the nurses of Ahvaz City hospitals which were selected by random sampling method. Data were collected using questionnaire which was validate by content validity and estimating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. SPSS22 and AMOS18 software were used to analyze the data. Also, to test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model (SEM) were used. Results: The findings show that benefits than to other financial rewards such as compensation, performance and appreciation compared to other dimensions of non-monetary rewards, the tendency to remain perceived than to other dimensions of occupational attractiveness and to improve the performance of other dimensions of job performance, have more efficiency (P=0.00). Also, financial and non-financial rewards have a significant effect on nurses' perceived job attractiveness and thus have a significant effect on nursing job performance (P=0.00). Conclusions: The use of financial and non-financial rewards plays an important role in nurses 'perceived job attractiveness, and this leads to increased nurses' performance. Therefore, hospital officials should use non-monetary rewards in addition to financial rewards in their reward system.
doi:10.29252/hrjbaq.2.4.253 fatcat:fr47fltyynh4dpeqa3ctruhcey