A Model-Based Substructuring Method for Local Damage Detection of Structure

Eun-Taik Lee, Hee-Chang Eun
2014 Shock and Vibration  
It is impractical to collect the full set of data in finite element model for investigating the structural performance. This study presents a model-based substructuring method to examine it by the data measured at a few positions. Dividing a global structure into several substructures and regarding the frequency response functions (FRFs) measured at the interfaces between the adjacent substructures as the constraints, the constraint forces at the substructure nodes are calculated to decide the
more » ... esultant responses. The damage-expected substructure is traced by the distribution curve of constraint forces. Modeling the damage-expected substructure subjected to the predicted constraint forces and expanding the displacement data measured at several locations in the substructure, the local damage is detected by the displacement curvature method. A numerical application illustrates the validity of the proposed method.
doi:10.1155/2014/390769 fatcat:nhyf7cuubnc5jfew5fb5dxzd64