Definition and Dynamics of Gender-Specific Behaviours of Latvian Males and Females

Jelena Badjanova, Dzintra Ilisko, Mariana Petrova
2018 Rural environment. Education. Personality. (REEP) : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference   unpublished
To date, the various female and male social characteristics and social roles existing in different societies have been researched. Some aspects of gender similarities and differences have also been studied in Latvia, in the branches of family, legal, judicial psychology and management. Yet, the issue of gender peculiarities at a specific stage of personality development has not been sufficiently addressed, especially with regard to similarities and differences of gender behaviour in the youth,
more » ... arly and mid-maturity age groups. Hence, a study of this issue ought to be considered as justified and necessary. Consequently, the main aim of this research is to explore gender-specific behaviours of Latvian males and females in the youth, early and mid-maturity age groups. The theoretical grounds of this study, based on both classical theories and current research results, triggered the authors' scientific curiosity and contributed to the formulation of three research questions about gender similarities and differences in the behaviours of Latvian males and females at the ages of youth, early and mid-maturity. Quantitative methodology was used to conduct the present research. 168 respondents (N = 168) from different regions of Latvia aged 18 to 60 took part in Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) survey. Statistical methods for data analysis: Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to determine the credibility and consistency of the indicators, NPar Test to determine the distribution of the obtained results, linear regression to analyse the differences in Enter results, descriptive statistics. On the basis of survey results, gender-specific behaviours of Latvian males and females in the youth, early and mid-maturity age groups were defined, and their dynamics were explored. In the course of the present research, it was concluded that resulting from the construction of social models for male and female gender-specific behaviours, the system of values, which is defined by the social culture and the accepted social norms, becomes the determinant.
doi:10.22616/reep.2018.005 fatcat:xehqby4xhffqzlnugk4kdx37rm